Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Sat Nov 6 07:54:05 PST 2004

Hiya Leroy,

Check with Rick Rowlands for advice on obtaining low-cost or free lifting,
rigging, and hauling services.  It does help if the heavy chunk of iron is
historically significant.  It helps even more if the NAME on the iron
matches the family of a prominant local citizen.  8-))

On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Leroy C. wrote:

> to load a piece of history. This chunk is sitting at an old
> factory in Fostoria Ohio and was headed for the scrap pile
> and a big crane would be better yet!   Any one with some
> HELP?????????

> psssss did I tell you what this is???


See ya,  Arnie

PS - Pictures would be nice.
PPS - A video would be even better.
PPPS - But NOT of your wet pants.  8-))

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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