[SEL] Scientific Instrument transportation to Portland

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Wed Jun 30 14:01:55 PDT 2004

> We have a few items that we need to sort out transport for, ready for
> this year.
> They are all wooden-cased type of instruments, in the following locations:
> Deerfield, New Hampshire
> Catskill Mtns, NY
> Jackson, NJ
> One further unit is in LA, but that is going to our friends in Cupertino
> collection on our next visit, so no problem with that one. Sizes vary, but
> foot cube is probably average.
> We can get them posted anywhere, but they still need to be brought to the
> Portland show for us to collect and bring back home after the show.
> Any suggestions/offers  please?
> Peter
Hi Peter,
    If a "foot cube" means 12" X 12" X 12" (and there are 3 such crates) I
can get them to Portland if you can get them to me. Contact me off List.

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