[SEL] Scientific Instrument transportation to Portland

Peter A Forbes diesel at easynet.co.uk
Wed Jun 30 12:34:06 PDT 2004

We have a few items that we need to sort out transport for, ready for Portland
this year.

They are all wooden-cased type of instruments, in the following locations:

Deerfield, New Hampshire
Catskill Mtns, NY
Jackson, NJ 

One further unit is in LA, but that is going to our friends in Cupertino for
collection on our next visit, so no problem with that one. Sizes vary, but a
foot cube is probably average.

We can get them posted anywhere, but they still need to be brought to the
Portland show for us to collect and bring back home after the show.

Any suggestions/offers  please?


Peter & Rita Forbes
diesel at easynet.co.uk
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