[SEL] Lister-Blackstone

Prepair Ltd prepair at easynet.co.uk
Tue Jun 29 02:53:02 PDT 2004

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 21:50:42 -0700, you wrote:

>Hey Ron -
>  The CD is a sweet running engine. I just finished  going through an 8 
>HP, I think like yours, for a friend of mine. The oil had never been 
>changed and was like THICK pudding, resulting is a starved and partially 
>pounded out rod bearing. The owner will probably paint it, I just did 
>the mechanical. What a beast! The injector nozzle was shot also (water 
>had wiped out the needle and seat), but the owner was able to buy a new 
>one from an outfit up here in the bay area, so keep it in mind if you 
>need to go that route. Cost him about $60 (came from Austria!).
>- Steve

We have new nozzles for these on the shelf, they are £24 plus postage,
made in Italy.... We also have some genuine CAV and Bryce stuff as

The CE is a two-cylinder variant of the CD single, we've got three or
four holding the foundations down outside!

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
prepair at easynet.co.uk

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