[SEL] OT , Can you ID this Mill , Stover ?

Ken Christison christison at coastalnet.com
Sun Jun 6 09:26:50 PDT 2004


In case nobody else has emailed you off list, your mill is indeed
Stover built.  It is one of the larger hand cranked models.  I don't
have any more to offer except it looks like a decent mill.

Take care.

Ken Christison
Conway, NC
christison at coastalnet.com
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rex Hinz" <rexhinz at chorus.net>
Subject: [SEL] OT , Can you ID this Mill , Stover ?

> Hi All ;
>       I just purchsed a small burr mill at a swap meet 

>              Rex Hinz

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