[SEL] Gas tank holdown

John Cullom jhcullom at adelphia.net
Fri Jul 30 06:31:00 PDT 2004

Hummm, well, you could devise 4 small clamps that fit over the edge of the
lip on the bottom of the tank. I couldn't tell you how they did it
originally, I've not seen anything describing it in my literature. I didn't
use the tabs on mine for fear they would be weak. I just used several round
head bolts with large heads that fit over the lip on mine.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Strobel" <Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com>
>   Mines a little different John.  There are no tabs or evidence there of.
> Just the 1" inch band around the center.  Pictures 2 & 3 at this link show
> it and the holes in the frame rails top.

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