[SEL] Acknowledgement of e-mail Nat Rally

Ron Page page at velocitynet.com.au
Sun Jul 25 18:00:05 PDT 2004


Most of our States and local councils require this before you can conduct an
event.  We have had a number of small events wiped off the books because the
clubs are too small to come up with the premiums.  This is not just for our
hobby.  If you wanted to have a public picnic in a park then you would need
council approval and meet their requirements.  Don't know about buskers.

When we register our cars we have what they call COMPULSORY third party
insurance for protection.  We can also get third party property and also
comprehensive insurance but these are personal choice.

Ron Page

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnie Fero" <fero_ah at city-net.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Acknowledgement of e-mail Nat Rally

> Hi Adam,
> What sort of national law requires $10 mill. insurance?  How extensive is
> this sort of requirement?  Just for old engine exhibitors or anyone?  For
> example if I wanted to throw a village picnic would all participants need
> to have $10 mill. insurance cover?  How about buskers (street
> entertainers)?  Do they need the $10 mill. cover?  DOes it depend on their
> act?  Mimes and singers, no.  Jugglers and accordian players yes?
> How about automobile liability; $10 mill also?  More?
> Seems a VERY strange national requirement in the absence of abundent
> evidence of mass carnage at engine rallys.  At least with autos on the
> road there's a huge database of evidence of death and destruction.
> See ya,  Arnie
> Arnie Fero
> Pittsburgh, PA USA
> fero_ah at city-net.com
> On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Adam Cottrill wrote:
> > Clubs do have a fair and equal chance to co exist as proven by the
> > examples above so long as they have a minimun of 10mill public liablity
> > which is now in most states is the min requirement by law.
> <snip>
> > And if you do decide to seek alternate means of coverage so long as it
> > meets the $10mill requirement you will be most welcome to be a an
> > exhbitor and guest at our forth comming rally in March the weekend after
> > the National. If it doesnt meet the $10mill requirement I assure you
> > also there are means of allowing you to exhbit and having a great time
> > at our rally and to that end I extend an invitation to you to visit the
> > weekend after in March.
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