[SEL] olds - now dating them

Michael Young wara at ozemail.com.au
Thu Jul 22 03:05:47 PDT 2004


the following might help with dating Olds engines.  The letter prefix on an
Olds type A serial no. - as stamped on the name plate/tag - can tell you
more about the engine than the number itself.  The following is what I have
figured out after a few years of recording serial numbers and engine
details, not to mention Olds catalogues, books etc.  There is a bit a guess
work, but the following gives a guide at least.

No Letter:  Some really early Type A engines did not have a letter prefix.
These were the engines with the Olds Gas Engine Works tag.  The engines had
an earlier carb design quite different to the trumpet like intake and
suction design most usually associated with Type A engines.  Some early
engines also had a bolt on head.  The serial numbers of these engines may
have continued on from the gearless Olds (Type E).  The Type G and the later
Gearless were also made with the Olds Gas Engine Works tag.  Type A engines
with this tag would have been made in 1904/05.

B prefix.  This denotes an engine with the Olds Gas Power Company tag.  The
numbers appear to have started again and go up to about 9,500.  Possibly
sometime in 1906 the familiar trumpet like suction carb came into being.
Although the carb design wasn't patented until 1911, it was in use much
earlier, indicating a long delay between patent application and grant.  If
you have a B serial number engine it seems it was made from ~1906 - 1910.

D prefix.  These are the engines with the Seager Engine Works plate.  The
name change did not bring about any real changes to the design, however the
numbers seem to have started again.  Whether they started from 000 or not I
don't know.  The name change occurred in mid 1910 according to the BRB.
Therefore, you are making a mistake if you think a B5000 serial numbered
engine is the same as a D5000 serial numbered engine.  If you have D serial
number engine, it was made in 1910 or later.

F prefix.  It seems these are the engines sold by Rumely Products Company
from about 1912.  I am not sure how long the arrangement with Rumely lasted,
but it wasnt long.  Maybe just a couple of years.  The numbers appear to
continue on from the Seager engines.

If anyone can correct any matters of fact in the above, please let me know.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has an Olds with a known
purchase date.  This could help firm up the above date estimates.  Thanks.

Michael YoungMichael Young
5 Beech Crescent, Orange, NSW, 2800

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Nicolson" <dnicolson40 at hotmail.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: [SEL] olds

> hi patrick,  i got a reply from smokstak the engine serial no is stamped
> into the top of the piston. i found no 4994 on mine . dave
> >From: "Patrick M Livingstone" <pml1 at bigpond.net.au>
> >Reply-To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
> >To: "'The SEL email discussion list'" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
> >Subject: RE: [SEL] olds
> >Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 22:05:23 +1000
> >
> >Hi Dave,
> >Your engine would probably be identical to Ron Sullivan's engine. I
> >remember the engine number on his engine being anywhere other than on the
> >plate but we will have a search of the engine when it is dug out of
> >:)
> >As a wild guess (from looking at lots of American engines) I would
> >looking at the ends of the crank, flywheel hubs, flywheel rims and faces,
> >and on top of the cylinder.
> >Patrick
> >
> >Patrick M Livingstone
> >Leichhardt NSW
> >http://www.oldengine.org/members/pml/Index.html
> >http://www.users.bigpond.com/pml/
> >-----Original Message-----
> >
> >Hi Michael,  the crank guard is missing as well as the carby but it is
> >same as the engine on page 358 in the brb of wendel's. it is the one in
> >top right hand corner. are the serial no stamped on the engine anyware?
> >thanks for the quick reply dave in oz
> >
> >
> >
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