[SEL] Scott-Homer Engines (fwd)

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Mon Jul 12 09:07:07 PDT 2004

If you can help, please contact her directly.  She is NOT on the list.

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 19:47:55 +0100
From: Emmie Foxall <its_emmie_not_emma at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: fero_ah at city-net.com
Subject: Scott-Homer Engines

Dear Sir

I am writing in the hope that you will be able to help me.

I am trying to find out as much information as Scott-Homer Gas Engines as possible, and in a perfect world trace a machine.

My Grandad is Harry Scott Homer (III) and it is his grandfather, Harry Scott-Homer who made these machines.  My Grandad still lives in the same house in the Midlands, England and the workshop is still standing albeit used as a garage now.

If you could help me in the smallest way, I would be incredibly grateful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email & I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Emmie Foxall

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