[SEL] O.T. Wiring up a MicroWave Oven

Jim Dragoset Jdragoset at galvotec.com
Thu Jul 8 06:02:14 PDT 2004

With the possibility of multiple circuits being used, all in a space like
the kitchen
should feed off the same bus-bar so that 240 volts cannot exist between any
two circuits.
Jim Dragoset

-----Original Message-----
From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
[mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com]On Behalf Of Paul Maples
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:44 PM
To: Stationary Engine List
Subject: [SEL] O.T. Wiring up a MicroWave Oven

I am just about finished with wiring up my son's new home and I am in the
kitchen now. I have run two dedicated 20 AMP GFIC circuits for the
countertops and wall receptacles in the kitchen, I ran a dedicated 20 amp
service for the dishwasher. I am wondering about the microwave oven, should
I run a separate circuit for this or can I come off of a lighting circuit. I
am not sure how much they pull but I am guessing around 12 to 15 amps which
tells me it might need its own circuit. Let me hear from you electricians on
this. Thanks.

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