[SEL] Chain Falls & Little Wonder engines/ditch pulling for fun

Curt Holland curt at imc-group.com
Wed Jul 7 10:18:19 PDT 2004

Hey Ron,
Why'd ya pull it a 1/4 block down the ditch instead of just pulling it 
right out of the ditch? Is this something Virginian's do for Sunday fun? 
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

MaytagTwin at aol.com wrote:

>Ask me how I know all this?  I once pulled a Hudson Hornet a 1/4 block down a 
>muddy ditch using a chainfall and a long cable.  It took most of a Sunday to 
>accomplish, but, I got the car out of the ditch without having to call for 
>Ron Carroll
>Noville, Virginia

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