[SEL] OT gasoline price?Oil company view

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Mon Dec 13 20:23:04 PST 2004


    Not sure you folks pay the highest tax on gas any more. In NY we pay
closer to 47 cents per gallon with the Federal, State, County,
Environmental fee, Gas station pump surcharge.

Steve Williams
Near Cooperstown NY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William J Pfeiffer Sr" <old_iron at msn.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT gasoline price?Oil company view

> Bill's Dad owned a Standard gas station for 20 years and I worked for
> Oil for 5 years, so I guess you could say I have an "insiders view".
> In the mid 1970's here in the US there was a "gas shortage" (Ha, ha,
> before the "shortage" gas was about 53 cents a gallon for preium after
> it went up to 70 and 75 cents a gallon.  But BIG suprise there was no
> shortage, the oil companies had plenty of gas they just decided to
raise the
> prices and felt that if they just did it the public would have a hissy
> So they with held the gas (stored it in places like Biesterfield Ohio
> Rumsfield Michigan 2 former refineries for Union Oil), and bang zoom
up went
> the prices.
> Peter funny you mention the politions NOT mentioning the fuel prices
> an election, Bush and Kerry didn't mention them here either.  Some how
> feel Daddy Bush might have had something to do with that, Texas and
> Money and all of that.
> When I worked at Union they used to post the daily "wholesale" price
of the
> gas, so we knew how much to figure the different state and federal
taxes on
> (I worked in the corporate tax department), the average daily price
> around 45 to 65 cents a gallon when the pump price was 80 to 95 cents
> gallon.  Funny you should also mention "taxes" since here in Illinois
we pay
> the highest gas tax in the nation between the state, county, and fed
> averages about 25 cents a gallon now.
> Just my 2 cents on this very HOT topic.
> Peg Pfeiffer

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