[SEL] OT What has happen to gasoline price?[ Australian view]

Rex Hinz rexhinz at chorus.net
Sat Dec 11 13:31:18 PST 2004

Good point Paul , Good thing oil tastes awful or it would all be gone by now


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <EnginePaul at aol.com>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT What has happen to gasoline price?[ Australian view]

> "....just a thought, wasn't the invasion of Iraq going
> to eleveate the problem?"
> No. We Americans were going to let Iraq keep the oil and run things on
> own.
> The first time Americans had an oil problem in that area was right after
> W.W.II, The Russians stayed in Iran after the war and refused to leave.
> Truman faced them down; the main reason was for the oil. NOT for us, but
> England and Europe so they could rebuild.
> I'm no expert, but there is barely enough production capacity to support
> demand; it may be just the beginning of problems.
> Paul in San Francisco
> PS I'm about to go up Highway 80, and I'll bet there will be lots of SUV's
> and such passing me doing at least 80 miles per hour. The same people who
> the oil companies and the government cause high gas prices. Couldn't be
> driving style or vehicle choice.
> PPS Sorry for the politics
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