[SEL] clogged pipe help OT

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Wed Dec 1 12:50:31 PST 2004

Yes, but you have to remember that there are some things that are 
supposed to be drinkable in the South that aren't considered drinkable 
anywhere else in the country. :)


Curt wrote:
> Hi Joe, I do know that Ethyl alcohol is supposed to be drinkable
>> & Methyl or methanol is supposed to F**ck you up in style. 8^)
>> Dave Croft
>> Warrington
>> England
>> http://community.webshots.com/user/crftdv
> Yup, methanol will lead to permanent impaired vision in roughly 1/5 of 
> those that survive. Not very good odds. 1 carbon chain
> Ethanol is our fermented drink of choice. 2 carbon chains
> Interestingly as you keep going up the carbon chain the odd carbon 
> chains are poisonous and the evens safe.
> Propanol (isopropyl) is 3 carbons long and is not something you want to 
> drink.
> Goodness chemistry was a LONG time ago!
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC
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In the Ozark Mountains of South Central USA where both life and I move 
at a leisurely pace.

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