Rex Hinz
rexhinz at chorus.net
Mon Aug 2 17:53:46 PDT 2004
inteligance has revealed it has recieved information that terrorists are
now planning an all out attack on the 2004 Badger Steam and Gas Show in
Baraboo, Wisconsin , Aug 20th-22nd , Experts say they have very reliable
sources stating the Terroists plan on droping Non Running Maytag engines on
unsuspecting engine displays , spilling putrid unburned gasoline and oil
from back in the thirties ,Also watch for Maytags with AXES or PICKS
burried in their crankcases, Inteligance also explains Non Running Maytag
engines add up to about 99.9% of all Maytags produced , However if your at
the show and you pick up some of the dropped engines they can bring a hardy
income on Ebay even with most parts missing ,
Ps Just Kidding , I actualy got two Matags that run , three or four
revelutions with the spark plug in about 10 with the spark plug out
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