[SEL] Nat Rally

Ron Page page at velocitynet.com.au
Sun Aug 1 18:03:43 PDT 2004


I note that both Patrick and Adam have offered comprehensive answers to your
questions.  However there are a couple of other points that need to be made.
I was Secretary of the Association for two years and committee member for a
further two years.  I was nominated by my local club and elected by the
other clubs that were in attendance at the National Rally in Busselton, WA.
The term of office is only two years and thereafter onl;y elected if yuo are
nominated and elected for a further term.  It is voluntary - there is no
remuneration and you have to meet your own costs to attend the annual
meeting, which could be anywhere in Oz depending on which club offers the
Committee space for its conduct.

I attended meetings in Ballarat, Vic, Henty, NSW, and near Launceston, Tas
all at my own expense.  The Committee of the Association does not run the
National Rally, clubs "bid" for the "honour" and are selected by the members
clubsat the previous National Rally.

When I was Secretary I was reimbursed out of pocket expenses on the
production of receipts forwarded to the Treasurer.  I managed to do my
printing at work - I was a Public Servant - so this saved costs for the
Association.  I believe the Secretary after me ( a farmer) had to go to a
larger country town for their printing to be done professionally - a larger

The Association is some 8000 members strong in something like 110 clubs and
if members disagree with the direction of the Committee (12 people) they can
seek election to it and bring their own ideas to fruition if approved by the
members. As I said you are only elected for two years.  I must say it is a
thankless task - your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.
However, I found it good experience and learnt a lot particularly regarding
insuance matters, local and State government requirements and met a lot of
nice people.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Leroy C." <oldengin at udata.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Nat Rally

> Adam Cottrill wrote:
> >However I will ask the question and see (if it isnt included in the press
release) if the organisers will disclose more actuals or at least give me
access and permission of them so I can ask them on here for you guys to
> >
> >I hope Arnie you believe this is pushing the ball enough to get the
response you suggested, if not please suggest another angle you feel is
required which I can take.
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >              Adam
> >
> >
> >
>     Adam, not being a mud slinger here, BUT her is your next
> angle......   how many of your top brass accept pay for their positions?
> How many of them also pad themselves with the printing costs, own the
> printers, or how many of them really ever exhibit?? Ohhh  now maybe I
> see some light here, these fine national folks would rather govern the
> masses and not worry about the rules them selves? See "IF" the national
> is as big as you are stating then it looks like they could control the
> rules (hmmmm  I have read this already) and if the fence issue was to be
> challenged by them it might go away, again who owns the rental fences
> and also sells fences????????? This press release, is it written by a
> lawyer, or who gets paid for the writing of it? Also is it true a new
> one is needed each time you hold a  nat. rally ( hmmm  every two years
> different clubs).  And how many of these directors, sounding like
> dictators....,  decide the gates and just where the fund go from them?
>     See here in Ahio you have to join to be a member to exhibit, not my
> rule! but I do join all the shows with which I exhibit, the cost runs me
> around 5.00-10.00 dollars each, again this is all directly going to the
> CLUB.... now if you tell me that my membership to your national is good
> at each and every show you do then this will be a wash. Oh I also think
> that each club should have the chance to have a member on the national
> staff too?  And as far a camping I pay for this privilege also. again
> 5.00- 15-00 per event. Did I mention that this includes electric hook-up
> and a dump station for my ole camper and lest me to forget a hot shower
> any time of day or night,  I missed it, your national has these same
> advantages? CORRECT????????   after all in today's world even the most
> out dated events have semis with showers in them for a small fee..  And
> the cost of electric is near nothing once it is installed.....  And
> food!!!!!!!!!!!  At 4 feet 10 inches wide you could say I LOVE TO EAT!
> see it has become part of my daily habit, but when I do attend shows it
> is my choosing where and what to eat. After all some shows will feed me
> "FREE" fresh roasting corn and also fresh melon, again free... And other
> shows will allow only civic organizations to sell food on there grounds,
> yeas they purchase the rights to be on the grounds but what a way to
> build your organizations funds. still others will offer you everything
> you can imagine to eat again at very little cost.. I even know of one
> show that has in the past held beer tasting events with the only cost
> being  beers of your liking. Yes your plaques are very very nice and
> something to admire. ours are plate brass with stencil on them... But
> let me see,,,,,,  if I had to purchase them then it would be a no
> brainer to pass them up. After all this is still a
> HOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Have you and the other members of your national
> forgot this? Seems to me that it might be time for you, the national, to
> do some gut checking. See I can still run my engins at home and enjoy
> them, I can invite select friends over and also enjoy them, I can
> probably even talk my friends into allowing me to start there engins and
> enjoy the sounds of them also. The reason to go to the shows are for
> John Q. Public...  Yes I enjoy the shows and yes I enjoy the fellowship
> which occurs at these events also...  BUT trust me when I tell you I CAN
> DO THIS AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmmm now if it is the idea of
> this national to help cripple the hobby and make lots of money for there
> own use then maybe, yes MAYBE, you are heading in the right
> direction...  Here in the states, many of the old car collectors started
> some of the same things I see you doing and now "they" are a select
> group with their noses in the air, ask them a question and see if you
> get an honest answer, again many of the recent reading on this list have
> this taste to them, All posts not one person.
>     Adam, one last question, do you, personal or your national, have
> signs for your engins that say "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH" ?  ohhh I almost
> forgot about the fencey thing!
> PS I have some 6 feet privacy for sale cheap and will it will allow you
> bathroom use for your next camp outing.  Have a nice day
> --
> C-ya
>   Leroy Clark
> "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
>             W.A. NANCE
> better look here--- http://www.oldengine.org/members/lclark
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