[SEL] Old engine

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Tue Sep 1 02:07:26 PDT 2015

Joe, you should be grateful that Oldengine.org is free, use of this site is 
not a right, but a privilege, as all work is voluntary.
If you want a 24/7 active site, buy a domain and pay for hoisting.

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar

   Hi Devin,
   I sure hope not - - - I have an "Active web-site" on old engine.
   I think that "Brice" guy is in charge of renewing the contract each
   month -
   I'm not sure and I don't know what I'm talking about.
   but - - -
   This happens quite often - and he needs to pay more attention to it.

   Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
     ,-._,-,     [1]jlb941 at verizon.net
     \/)"(\/        If there are no dogs in heaven, when I die, I want to
   go where they went.
    (_0_)                      In memory of Bre-Dog

   On 08/30/15, Devin Holland<bakermonitor1932 at hotmail.com> wrote:

   Has old engine gone down for good?
   Devin Holland
   SEL mailing list
   [3]SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com


   1. mailto:jlb941 at verizon.net
   2. http://www.oldengine.org/members/betz
   3. mailto:SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
   4. http://www.stationary-engine.com/mailman/listinfo/sel
SEL mailing list
SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

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