[SEL] Big news at the Baraboo Show!

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Mon Oct 13 13:19:35 PDT 2014

I was gonna write the very same thing. I agree 100% with Arnie. Do 
some strategic planning and preserve as many trees as practicable. 
Work around them.  You have lots of area now so if an area is set up 
to be vending spaces, allow spaces with a tree in it a little extra 
to compensate.  No need to be stingy on the space sizes. So make sure 
any space has at least a 20'X15'  clear area for a canopy. Do not 
make the same mistake that Portland Show did with 18' wide spaces 
Make em 20-25' wide and plenty deep. You will make your vending 
spaces some of the most popular areas there are. If I had the space 
you now have and I was planning I would strive to make a space 25-28' 
wide and  22' deep. Be generous and ignore what is the customary 
price per square foot, set a new standard. The old standard of 20X12 
or 15 Is from the usual flea market shows not an engine show and does 
not consider motor homes and goose neck trailers.
Do not be afraid to trim limbs up to about 12'-14' clearance.  Let 
the trees be a canopy.  If you have ever been in a pine forest that 
has all the lower branches removed it makes it really open yet you 
still have canopy.                 Mark S.

At 03:13 PM 10/13/2014, you wrote:
>    Joe,  That's EXCELLENT news.  WELL DONE to the Badger Steam and Gas
>    Engine Club!  I really like the changes you describe below.  When you
>    clear the woods making room for an expanded engine area, be sure to
>    keep some of the trees.  The shady character of the Baraboo show
>    grounds is attractive and a real draw for the exhibitors and
>    spectators.  One item for the "long term planning" list might be a
>    narrow-gage steam train running around the property.
>    See ya,  Arnie
>    Oct 13, 2014 01:03:21 PM, sel at lists.stationary-engine.com wrote:
>      The Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club is in the process of purchasing
>      the 117.98 acre parcel directly to the north of the showground, at a
>      cost of $554,600.00.
>      The owner recently passed away and left the land to his son and
>      daughter. These heirs approached the club at the end of August and
>      offered the property to the club.There was, of course, opposition to
>      the purchase and a special meeting was held yesterday to address the
>      matter. After some lively (by lively I mean 'FUN") debate, the
>      question was called and the vote was taken. The results were 3:1 in
>      favor. When we take possession of this new property, we will have
>      264.25 acres.
>      The wheels turn slow but in time we will extend the flea market and
>      swap meet to the north, widening the rows for easier access. We also
>      will be expanding the gas engine area to the north. Much of the pine
>      plantation on this new parcel will be clear cut and the stumps
>      grubbed out, making room for a new parking lot for the engine guys,
>      relieving the congestion in the engine area but allowing you to have
>      your vehicle reasonably close.
>      There are also plans to expand the engine area westward as well,
>      displacing some camping into the new land to accommodate this
>      expansion.
>      Eventually I hope to push for the construction of a new, modern
>      restroom facility up there somewhere but that is a ways off in the
>      future because our discretionary spending will be consumed by the
>      real estate purchase.
>      Now, I ask you folks for some help. Most of us at Baraboo don't go
>      to many shows. Between work, life and our own show, we are either
>      too busy or too burned out. The result is that we are often blind to
>      things that may be obvious to others. With this new property comes
>      the opportunity to make big changes. So, I ask you: What do you
>      suggest we do differently or additionally? If you want to email
>      suggestions to me, I will pass them along and see what we can do.
>      Thank you,
>      Joe
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Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817

Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206  Home
Hobby Collector and Dealer in John Deere
and Hercules Engines.
Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
VISIT the Maytag Collectors Club at  www.Maytagclub.com

I am John Galt.  

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