[SEL] John Robson Oil Engine
russell at ncable.com.au
Thu Jul 17 04:25:59 PDT 2014
G'day John, hope your well. mate the Wagga Stationary engine club have a portable Robson. Maybe they could be a good start comparing info against their engine. It's a good size engine and complete. Worth a try. Sorry I dont have a number but they should not be too hard to find?
regards Russell
On 17/07/2014, at 9:08 PM, John Wright wrote:
> Hi to all on the sel list.
> I’m hoping someone will be able to assist me with information on a John
> Robson Oil Engine.
> The Information that I have is:
> Stroke 14”
> Bore 6 ½”
> The big end bearing has a number No 5582
> The engine serial number is 8499
> The information that I am looking for is date of manufacture, the horse
> power, and any information on the engine itself the maker etc.
> Regards
> John Wright
> Greenhill
> South Australia
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