[SEL] Dave Croft

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Sat Jan 4 14:28:06 PST 2014

Thanks Curt, I had noticed Dave's computer off for 5 days, I then started to 
worry about him as he has not been well for some time. I rang both his 
mobile and home phone with no answer.
Hopefully all is well, he is in the right place, fingers crossed.

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar

Just thought I would let the engine community know that Dave Croft was 
placed in the hospital for a heart attack several days ago. Managed to speak 
with him a short time ago and sounds like the doctors want to put in some 
stints but it wasn't too clear to him yet.  Right now he is in the local 
hospital in Warren, England but may have to be transferred to a hospital in 
Liverpool to due the surgery. His spirits are some what up but of course 
worried of the outcome for now.

I will keep you all posted as I find out more.

Please keep Dave in your thoughts and prayers!
Curt Andree

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