[SEL] sale

Richard Fink Sr rfinksr at verizon.net
Sun Jun 2 07:53:42 PDT 2013

Hi all i was wondering is any one interested in some engines. no1 18 volt generator no2 stattly about 1 3/4 hp runs great no3 stover [barn fresh] never had running got rebuilt mag for it has good compression no4 novae up right power plant runs good no5 leroi power plant never run but complete had trouble finding carb parts for it. some on carts not great but work.
must sell have not had out of storage in 4 years time for someone else to enjoy.I would like a million for them but old enough to know i can,t get it. So want to sell as package make offer. Also i don,t think i offended any one turn about is fare play.
R Fink

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