[SEL] Shows that are worth a days drive each way

curt at rustyiron.com curt at rustyiron.com
Fri Aug 30 14:52:55 PDT 2013

How about 2 days drive? We attended the Baraboo show again and this year
was the 50th year for this show. Yes I enjoy Portland, but Joe Prindle and
his crowd at Baraboo are setting THE FINEST example of what is possible of
a devoted and caring group of guys. The permanent buildings like the
steam, the wood shop, the blacksmith, Fuller Johnson, Avery, etc are
simply spectacular. The SEL is putting on a strong presence at Baraboo and
growing every year.
I highly recommend this for your bucket list of shows.
Curt Holland
Bessemer City, NC

> Now there is an idea. I did put new tires on it last week. I am changing
> the subject to shows that are worth a days drive each way.
> Here are the ones I know of.
> Rough and tumble South East PA. Great show, lots of steam
> Coolsprings PA (Central PA.) Big stationary engines you won't see
> anywhere else.
> Pageant of steam Near Rochester NY Big, Lots of variety
> Tell me about your great shows.
> Frank

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