[SEL] Aussie National Rally

Kerry ozengine at iinet.net.au
Fri Apr 12 03:25:26 PDT 2013

G'Day Peter
The two lost Yanks will be camping with me in the camping area on site.
Saturday night will be a camp oven cook up so we will be there with Beers


On 12/04/2013 8:00 PM, Peter Lowe wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Who is going to the National?
> If I can get away from work, being the only the person at the hospital and on call 24/7, I will leave at lunch time Friday. Google maps say 8 hours 15 minutes but probably only 7 1/2 hours.
> Looking for somewhere to camp, probably in the back of my car, what is everyone doing. I will only be there for the Saturday and head back home Sunday. ;-((
> What is happening Saturday night, where will Steve and Arnie be ??
> Regards
> Peter Lowe
> R&V Engine Registrar
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/plowe/rv-engines/rvpage.htm
> Australia
> _

Kerry Morris
Tangye Engine Registrar
Web Page.   www.oldengine.org/members/kmorris/

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