[SEL] Kangaroo

Mark Kennedy flywheel at netconnect.com.au
Sun Oct 21 23:53:31 PDT 2012

Thanks for the tip Al. 

But when a 7 foot tall bull Grey stands up to you and wants your lunch, you are inclined to agree no matter what you are wearing (unless it is a suit of chain mail)!

For the benefit of our Off Shore moto-bros, big roos will rear on their tail, stabilise their prey with their front paws and then use their massively powerful hind legs to rip it to pieces in one foul swoop. My father lost a few cattle dogs that way. Stomachs completely ripped out in a matter of seconds.

Skippy may be a cute and interesting oddity, but a dangerous animal in the wild nonetheless, and the bane of crop farmers all over.


On 22/10/2012, at 4:49 PM, Al Harris wrote:

> Stop wearing skirts then Mark. ;-)
> Al
> On 22/10/2012 1:50 PM, Mark Kennedy wrote:
>> If you want to see roos in the wild and have them rip your food off, just visit Zumsteins in Grampians National Park. It's better now since they stopped ripping your clothes off...
>> Mark

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