[SEL] Cast Iron Welding/Machining in the Bay Area

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Tue Oct 9 06:35:07 PDT 2012

I can throw in an endorsement of the quality of the work that this
outfit does.  Jim French imported a 20 hp Tillinghast half-breed that
had a "repaired" crack in the head.  Said crack reopened and compression
was zilch.  The crack was in an inside corner where the base metal
was fairly thin.  These folks did a beautiful repair that has
stood up to many years of running the engine.

Have a look...  (Last set of pics, two on the right).

See ya,  Arnie

On Tue, October 9, 2012 4:10 am, Dave Caroline wrote:
> Not where you wanted a company but they have a world wide customer
> base and did some cast steam pipes for a local museum.
> http://www.castironwelding.co.uk/
> They build a firebrick cover around the item, heat it slowly, then
> through a hole use a gas torch and melt in real cast iron
> and very slowly cool.
> a proper job in my opinion, far better than the high nickel electric
> welding
> Dave Caroline
> A happy customer, but the process costs!

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