[SEL] Kerry the legend
ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Sun May 6 02:09:34 PDT 2012
Mate you only just worked that out, if you had asked I could have told
you about the legend years ago or ......did I
Well done with your engine, will be down your way in about 3-4 weeks so
hope to catch up if you are there.
On 6/05/2012 6:55 PM, Russell wrote:
> I have had this troublesome resto project for a number of years; My Watts Brothers Engine. The engine looks to have been through a fire at some point in time (not major but it got hot enough) to make it so nearly every bloody part of cast iron has made an attachment to it's neighbouring part. Well I have spent plenty of time, gas and language all to no avail trying to get a bloody gib key out so I can remove a flywheel. Well today I used the Morris patent gib key puller and bugger me dead if that sucker just didn't pop straight out. Bastard could have come any time it liked out the past year or so but no, had to wait until I made the tool for the job. Learn't my lesson now though.
> Morris your a bloody legend!
> Russ
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Kerry Morris
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