[SEL] Accident

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Jan 30 10:34:34 PST 2012

   At 07:00 PM 30/01/12, you wrote:

     Message: 7
     Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 21:16:15 -0500
     From: Mark Shulaw <frappi at wcoil.com>
     Subject: [SEL] Accident
     Hi All, I had a rather bad day Wednesday. Spend the next day in the
     hospital for observation and testing. Spent today cleaning out the
     Van of what all was shoveled back into it at the scene. I am not
     allowed to lift at all so family and friends did the work for me as
     made the sorting decisions. I am on at least a week of restricted
     (NO) lifting due to some internal bleeds that had clotted off. I
     to give the internal injuries time to heal.  I am not complaining, I
     am just happy to be alive. I have no right to be. I run a stop sign
     and got T-Boned. The guy in the other car is ok. Airbags and belts
     saved him. God saved me. The van rolled at least one and a half
     times. I was thrown out in the rolling.  God has a plan for me or
     else he would not have seen me out of that as cleanly as I was.
     then the internal bleeds  only minor scrapes and bruising. No cuts
     broken bones. Sore as heck all over. Happy to be alive.
     In the back of the van was three Upright Maytags a Johnson
     Utili-Motor. A Kohler light plant a smaller Kohler engine and a lot
     of miscellaneous.  Still have to evaluate the damage to
     them.         Mark

   Hi Mark (and Christine),
           Dammit man that looks bad - you gotta be more careful -we still
   need you - where else are we going to buy Maytag parts and get
   information if you go and write yourself off !! :-)
           (For those amongst us who happen to be humorously challenged -
   I'm joking !! - it never works if you have to explain it !!)
           Mark mate, it's good to know you escaped that lot with what
   appears to be only minor injuries. Yes, God was looking after you and
   you will be in my prayers again but, thankfully, this time it will be
   because you were protected that I will give thanks and also pray for a
   full and fast recovery for you.

   Keep the revs up (or down)
   Jerry Evans
   Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
   Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:


   1. http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm

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