[SEL] OT oil painting recovery help

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Thu Feb 9 23:44:21 PST 2012

Hi all
Sorry for the OFF TOPIC, but I need your help, maybe there is a professional amongst us.
I look after the electronic and electrical maintenance of a flood and fire damage restoration company, they have some oil paintings that have soot on them that needs to be removed. As the paintings have been affected by some heat the adhesion to the canvas could be in question, so rubbing is out. The soot will smear if rubbed. I think we need a product that is like a slightly sticky membrane with a stickiness of say 3 out of 10 that would allow the soot to adhere and not the paint. Unless someone has a better idea.
I need professional advise please and keep it OFF LIST to plowe at exemail.com.au
This company does some amazing restoration work but have never done art works before.

Peter Lowe

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