[SEL] Rock Island Plow Co.
Ken Christison
christison at coastalnet.com
Sun Aug 26 13:47:59 PDT 2012
Be sure to check out the link to Denis Rouleau's page. He has a
registry of Alamo built engines. My 7HP is the latest one he has
recorded so far. I don't know if he is keeping the registry up since
I haven't heard much from him is a couple years.
On 8/26/2012 4:37 PM, Ken Christison wrote:
> Floyd,
> Does this page help any:
> http://www.rockislandplowco.com/index_files/alamo.htm
> Ken
> On 8/26/2012 12:54 PM, Floyd and Bobee Boyett wrote:
>> I am Floyd Boyett and new to this list. I thought I would get a conversation started so I can meet some of you on line. I have had a 5 HP, throttle governed engine for many years and have never seen one come up for sell or found it in an engine book. (Tag No. A61856, 420 RPM) I am sure it is not rare, it’s just that I have not seen others at shows or pictures in books or mags. Do you have one or have you seen one? Looking forward to some input.
>> Floyd Boyett
>> Lumberton, Texas
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