[SEL] Heater Fuse - OT

P. Johns enginepaul at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 09:43:58 PST 2011

A Tip:
I don;t know about Fords - mine never failed - but some (like my wife's)
have a relay that fails in the manner you described; i don't think it could
be a fuse.

Now for general help - AutoZone has a site that has repair info on it and
there are many other sites, including YouTube with repair tips and how-to
info. AlGore invented the net - Google made it useful.

Paul in California - surfing the 'net

PS: I used to hang out at the gas station (they used to do repairs) and read
manuals to learn what now take a few seconds. Some things are easier in my
old age.

PPS: Google save over a $Billion a year on income taxes with the "Dutch
Sandwich" tax exemptions - so we are paying for this service.

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