[SEL] Transport to Arden NC

Miles Hamrick mjhamric at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 16 05:52:20 PDT 2010

I too can help you with this.  I know that I am new to the "list" but the elders (primarily Arnie) have welcomed me to this big family or that is what he referred to it that night over a jar of XXX.  Let me know if I can help out.

--- On Wed, 9/15/10, Merton Canady <mcanady at lilleyinternational.com> wrote

From: Merton Canady <mcanady at lilleyinternational.com>
Subject: [SEL] Transport to Arden NC
To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 11:03 AM

I am in need of some help in moving a Hog OIler to the WNC Fall Harvest Days Show in Arden NC this year from Gastonia NC. Or somewhere nearer to Washington NC! Please let me know if you can help. Thanks Merton Canady
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