[SEL] DANGER Will Robinson !!

Tim Christoff tchristoff at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 5 21:04:33 PDT 2010

Come to think of it Tommy, one of the oilers on the Bessie was a bit loose Friday morning of the show but I just thought it might have worked itself loose.  Could it be that I have made a mistake in letting a Royster get to close?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Judge Tommy Turner <lcjudge at scrtc.com>
>Sent: Sep 5, 2010 1:24 PM
>To: 'The SEL email discussion list' <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] DANGER Will Robinson !!
>	It all depends on whether those 2 little boys are named Mike and
>Steve...  I know when those 2 little boys come to my place I lock all
>the doors and keep the mags and oilers hid!
>Tommy Turner
>Would a person who bought a toy for 2 little boys at the charity auction
>be someone you would have to be leary of?  
>Tim Christoff
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

Tim Christoff

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