[SEL] Curt Stoecker

David Rotigel rotigel at me.com
Mon May 17 19:00:16 PDT 2010

Hi Craig,
	Rob is very good at what he does, but is somewhat over priced. The  
guy he left in the elevator (between floors) for three weeks in 2006  
(while creative) was at a cost of more than $US6,000.00! Arnie and I,  
on the other hand, do "low cost elimination" at less that half of  
Rob's prices. Knee caps are $US250.00 each or two for the amazing low  
price of $US350.00. Total elimination ranges from $US675.00 (per .380  
bullet) to $US1,125.00 (per.45 bullet) with a guarantee of no more  
than 3 (three) bullets per individual! (Lower rates for two or more  
individuals if orders are placed at the same time!)
PS, Arnie is developing a NTB (Nuke The Bas#@rd) program at  
OUTSTANDINGLY LOW prices. Contact me off list for further details.  
(See: http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-05-17/miniature-nuclear-plants-seek-approval-to-work-in-u-s-update1-.html 
   Like Iran, Arnie has assured the UN that his "reactor" is for  
"peaceful purposes" only!
PPS, Thanks for your consideration!

On May 17, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Rob Skinner wrote:

> On May 17, 2010, at 2:34 PM, craig morrison wrote:
>> Hi Guy's,
>>   I turn to the wide network of the SEL for help in getting any
>> contact information for the above named Curt Stoecker. I purchased
>> an engine from him in December of last year which was paid for on my
>> behalf by a list member,it has been arranged for this engine to be
>> collected by another list member, but when either he or myself send
>> an email to the vendor we cannot get any reply from him.We have even
>> tried contact by phone but the number listed in white pages and
>> google won't go through.
>>   As this engine was purchased on E-bay I've even tried sending
>> messages via E-bay but they also go unanswered. I am now at a loss
>> as what to do next, any suggestions would be appreciated.
>>   I have bought quite a few engines and parts in the USA either via
>> Engine-ads or E-bay without any problems in the past, but this
>> experience is starting to leave a very sour taste in the mouth and
>> may even make me think twice about buying anything when I'm at
>> Portland this year out of fear that I won't see it again.
>>   Any help or advice on this matter would be appreciated ,even if
>> it's just an email address or phone number that we can try.
> So where does this bloke live?  That will help in hunting him down.
> Should we fit him with a pair of cement shoes, or just break his legs?

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