[SEL] Curt Stoecker

Rob Skinner rob at rustyiron.com
Mon May 17 15:23:52 PDT 2010

On May 17, 2010, at 2:34 PM, craig morrison wrote:

> Hi Guy's,
>    I turn to the wide network of the SEL for help in getting any  
> contact information for the above named Curt Stoecker. I purchased  
> an engine from him in December of last year which was paid for on my  
> behalf by a list member,it has been arranged for this engine to be  
> collected by another list member, but when either he or myself send  
> an email to the vendor we cannot get any reply from him.We have even  
> tried contact by phone but the number listed in white pages and  
> google won't go through.
>    As this engine was purchased on E-bay I've even tried sending  
> messages via E-bay but they also go unanswered. I am now at a loss  
> as what to do next, any suggestions would be appreciated.
>    I have bought quite a few engines and parts in the USA either via  
> Engine-ads or E-bay without any problems in the past, but this  
> experience is starting to leave a very sour taste in the mouth and  
> may even make me think twice about buying anything when I'm at  
> Portland this year out of fear that I won't see it again.
>    Any help or advice on this matter would be appreciated ,even if  
> it's just an email address or phone number that we can try.

So where does this bloke live?  That will help in hunting him down.   
Should we fit him with a pair of cement shoes, or just break his legs?

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