[SEL] The McVickerish Engine and video

Bruce Younger sluggo54 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 25 18:38:11 PDT 2010

I'd say the valve operating mechanism of the McVicker engine bears a startling resemblance 
to the Garrand M1 rifle of WWII fame, among others.
I'm almost certain the sound of an operating McVicker engine is much more pleasing to the 
ear than the sound of an operating M1.    :-)"
Elden, that depends entirely on the circumstances in which you find yourself, modifiable by 
which end of the rifle you are looking at - the round end, or the oblong end.

Bruce Younger 

05G HHC 313 RR Bn 3/67-4/68 

Madison, SD

sluggo54 at hotmail.com 
"He got that right," Hathcock said. "It was
the hunt, not the killing."

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