[SEL] Canberra Rally
ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Mon Mar 22 13:48:22 PDT 2010
Well mate at least we have found one, fairly low if he could not think of
his own set of words, but then again what is the chance of being found out.
Glad I did not say anything about Arnies great register
> Kerry, can you also be on the lookout for Australian Pirates who
> pilfer the intellectual property of hard working Americans? I'd
> rather not have to call Obama and create an international incident,
> and think it would be better if we handled this among ourselves.
> Take another gander at your picture of the Lorenz placard, then visit
> this webpage, http://engines.rustyiron.com/lorenz and tell me if you
> see any similarities. The resemblance is uncanny!
> Rob
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