[SEL] very OT - was Lists are quiet

Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Sat Mar 13 14:06:27 PST 2010

Sorry Darling in involving you into the Data Drain Case but you have now cut 
off his only means of escape. The Villain has obtained a nuke powered Black 
Hole, it was started only to consume empty beer bottles and cans as an easy 
and secret way of getting rid of them without his wife having to carry them 
to the bin every week, then it started consuming his own data of his 
tripsetc  but now is consuming data of other peoples freely donated 
information and next I am worried it will consume his engines before 
starting on ours.
I think working with all those nuke things have turned him to the dark side 
and is now worse that the evil brother or heaven help us the evil maytag 
killing doctor.

You maybe the only one that can save our friend by getting the lost data (if 
it ever ever existed) as working with those very dangerous nuke things will 
make him even worse.


PS. do you know what 8-P is?

> Hey Kerry!!!
> Do you want something from Arnie, and that's why you are blaming his lax
> behaviour on me???
> I haven't had ANYTHING from Arnie for YEARS to put on his website, not
> Yanks' Trip tales or Lorenz Registry stuff or ANYTHING.  Which
> fortunately, gives me time to play on my bike!

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