[SEL] Good stuff happens / Witte CD serial no.

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Fri Mar 12 13:34:10 PST 2010

Holy crap Jerry!!  I think you scored BIG TIME with that paper treasure trove!!

To help you with your quest of linking the engine to the paper via the serial
number, may I suggest two other locations that you did not mention.
On the Lorenz engines the S/N is stamped on the big end caps and crank shaft throws
and also on the top surface of the piston.  You might give those spots a look on
your Witte.

GOOD LUCK!!  BTW, if you continue to be unsuccessful in finding the actual S/N on
your engine, I would opt for the "engine rarity" argument and select the S/N from
the paperwork that you have.  As you say, there can't be many of 'em, and if the
engine doesn't have a number, who's to say that you're wrong?  Personally, I think
you've just reunited the engine with it's paperwork.

Do you have a tag design or should folks elsewhere be looking for a Witte CD engine
to take a photo of the tag?

There seem to be some interesting threads on the web in response to "Witte CD diesel".

It appears that the Witte is still being used in the oil fields and that parts are
available.  Perhaps contact a distributer with the "Where's the S/N question?"

See ya,  Arnie

On Fri, March 12, 2010 2:46 pm, Jerry Evans wrote:
>          I have a 12 H.P. Witte CD Diesel. Tank cooled - not radiator
> cooled. Do any of you great guru's know if there is a serial number
> "stamped" anywhere on or in the engine and where? (Dave, "Yes" does not
> qualify as an answer :-)).  Mine was without a plate when I got it. I've
> asked this question in the past (also of David Johnson on Smokstak) but
> have never got an answer. I've searched all over the engine without luck. I
> really would like to know the serial number and if I can find it anywhere
> on the engine. I've looked at all the obvious/normal/usual places
> (crankshaft ends, flywheels etc.) without luck so unless someone who
> actually knows the answer can tell me to look at a specific point/place on
> these engines then your "guess" would be no better than I already have and
> worthless to me.
> I was given this Witte CD a few years ago (actually November 2007):
> <http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/witte/index.htm>
>          It had a few missing parts which I managed to import from the USA
> (David Johnson). Now it's waiting for me to get off my rear end and restore it.
>          About 2 weeks ago I received an e-mail from someone in the area
> where the engine came from - he is an old guy (aren't we all?) and is
> "cleaning up". He had, amongst other things, an original manual for this
> engine as well as the original packing/shipping documents for 2 of these
> engines to South Africa. My heart rate hit the roof (but another "Brandy &
> Coke" stabilised it). Would it not be fantastic if these shipping documents
> (dated 1947) were actually for my engine? There were not many Witte CD's
> brought to South Africa - being part of the British Commonwealth most of
> our engines came from Britain.
>          I took the plunge and today decided to drive to the "Big City" and
> collected the documents from him (as well as a box full of other old
> manuals, pamphlets and similar stuff). On the way home I realised that this
> was going to be a "Brandy & Coke" evening and stopped off at the local
> liquor outlet and stocked up. :-)
>          So far I've only opened the old "buff coloured" (kraft paper)
> Witte envelope. Packing slips (in that old blue print from early
> duplicating machines (Banda, Gestetner, Roneo et al)are all intact as is
> the operators manual - AND - the manual refers to the same engine that I
> have (although not necessarily to my engines serial number).
> Would it not be incredible if these documents actually are for my
> engine ?

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