[SEL] "Aerial photo etc." Now getting VERY O.T.

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Wed Jun 16 14:15:48 PDT 2010

At 06:00 PM 16/06/2010, you wrote:
>Message: 15
>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:31:59 +1000
>From: "Reg Ingold" <randmingold at hotkey.net.au>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] O.T. Aerial photo of my home.
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Further to, the Rand is fetching 13 US cents today. It was, at least equal
>back in earlier times when SA was managed in a better manner.
>The poverty of the black people is a major reason for all the crime. Their
>govt has no idea on how to raise it. They are too concerned about lining
>their own pockets.
>You agree Jerry?

Hi Reg,

         Thanks for your support - I appreciate it.

         Yes, in the "Old South Africa" our currency was much stronger and 
equal to the dollar.

         I also agree in part that the crime rate is to do with poverty but 
I think that today it has more to do with a total disregard for the "forces 
of law and order". Petty crime probably can be blamed on poverty but we are 
faced with far more serious (and violent) crime.

         Our South African Police force used to enjoy a lot of respect 
internationally as an "effective" force. You posted an article recently 
(albeit to Slick) about showing how this is no longer the case. That is 
just so true.

         The "masses" (and it's them who blindly carry the vote) are only 
interested in "false promises", "threats" and promises of Utopia. The "lot 
(or living standard)" of the majority of "native people" has probably got a 
lot worse in the last 19 years but they do realise this.

         Our University qualifications are no longer recognized 
universally. Our "Police Force" is a joke. Our "Defence Force" is also a 
joke (where in the world are "soldiers" allowed to go on strike and trash 
the capital city?). (Any list members who do not belive me are welcome to 
write to me and I will supply "links").

         Reg, this is an engine list so I'm not going to go further. Again 
thanks for your support, I do appreciate a voice of reason.

Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:

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