[SEL] Throttled vs hit&miss sound
Mike Royster
mr at carolina.rr.com
Fri Jul 23 15:47:26 PDT 2010
----- Original Message -----
From: "Best, George" <George_Best at adp.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 1:00 PM
Subject: [SEL] Throttled vs hit&miss sound
> Tom and I both have 18hp Stovers. Mine is throttle governed and Tom's
> looks to be hit&miss.
> While I know most people prefer hit&miss over throttle governed, including
> myself, I do think that in some cases I prefer throttled over hit&miss.
> Almost all of my collection is hit&miss but two of my largest engines are
> throttle governed, and I think I actually prefer them that way.
> Last month I saw a 22hp Stover hit&miss running and going through its
> coasting cycles and it really didn't do anything for me. I much prefer the
> nice steady beat of my 18hp Stover.
> I think that I've acquired a taste for the nice steady beat when it comes
> to larger engines. Small engines still need to be hit&miss for me.
> Anyone else developed a liking for throttle governed?
> George
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
> [mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of Tom Winland
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 9:38 AM
> To: SEL list
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Engine get together pictures
> George,
> lol Hopefully soon I'll have some time to dig into the Stover. :) I was
> hoping that someone would want to tear into it and grab a wrench at the
> get together but that didn't happen. :(
> Tom
>> From: George_Best at adp.com
>> Hurry up and find a serial number on your 18hp Stover.
>> George
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