[SEL] you might enjoy these old images

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Mon Jul 5 17:04:26 PDT 2010


Every machinist I know is a life-long-learner.  I vividly remember times when my dad
would come home from work eager to talk about some tip he picked up from another
machinist or some clever setup he figured out for a project.

See ya,  Arnie

On Mon, July 5, 2010 5:17 pm, Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> My son is a machinist too.  He worked in job shops and had to make  stuff
> manually on what ever machine they had.  He works now for Babcock and  Wilcox
> (nuclear components) in their tooling department.  Still has to do a  lot
> of manual machine work, figure how to repair stuff, as well as make new
> fixtures, etc.  He is a good practical machinist but could still learn a  lot
> for the old ones long gone.

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