[SEL] ring traveler help

Ken Christison christison at coastalnet.com
Mon Jul 5 07:03:48 PDT 2010

Found in google books:

"A ring traveler is a small metal ring or loop used to guide the yarn or 
thread in winding it upon the spindle.

Ring travelers are used in all ring spinning, which is done on ring 
frames. A ring frame is a spinning machine with vertical spindles, now 
extensively used, in which the winding of each thread is governed by 
passing through the eye or circle of a small steel loop, called a ring 
traveler, one of which revolves around each spindle in an annular way 
called the ring. These rings are supported by a horizontal bar, which 
moves up and down in such a manner as to give a shape to the cap on the 
spindle, that adapts it for use in a shuttle. The ring frame is also 
called ring-throstle, ring-throstle-frame, ring- and travelerspinner and 
ring spinner.

A ring traveler is made out of one piece of solid steel. It may be 
divided into three component parts, for purposes of reference to 
varieties in shape and size."


Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> _http://www.oldengine.org/members/schmutz/images/ring%20traveler.jpg_ 
> (http://www.oldengine.org/members/schmutz/images/ring%20traveler.jpg) 
> Found in a box of auction stuff.  Envelope full of clips as  shown.  
> Envelope says U. S. Ring traveler Co. Providence R.I.  Size 2  1/2 Grain  Style 
> 872 oval.
> I can find information on the company, and ring traveler  manufactures.  
> But I cannot find out what a "ring traveler" is, how it was  used, or what it 
> was used for.  Anybody have any information?  
> Thanks,
> Tom  Schmutz
> Concord,  Va.
> germoamer at AOL.com
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