[SEL] Denton Show

Alan rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 2 17:24:58 PDT 2010

That is one thing we love about our Buckley show.
We get thousands of folks that never look at the engines.
They just come for the flea market.
Some folks even come in during the evening just for the music or dancing areas.

Alan in Michigan

--- On Thu, 7/1/10, BIGFLYWHEEL at aol.com <BIGFLYWHEEL at aol.com> wrote:

From: BIGFLYWHEEL at aol.com <BIGFLYWHEEL at aol.com>
Subject: Re: [SEL] Denton Show
To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
Date: Thursday, July 1, 2010, 10:25 PM

Tommy Thank You. Now for what you have said I plain like family type shows  
where everyone is involved (family). We need more of these venues in this  
country. Sure sounds a lot like  Canandaigua NY or Mt  Pleasant IA shows. 
Lots to do other that engines. Don't get me wrong  Coolspring ROCKS.  Have 
some fun and enjoy your weekend. Oh PS is the food  as good as the show?
In a message dated 7/1/2010 9:40:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lcjudge at scrtc.com writes:

I'll try  Kevin.  Denton isn't known as the "Coolspring of the South".
There is  a lot of great engines here but they are more along the line of
what was  used in the southern US (remember, there were very few engine
builders  south of the Mason Dixon line).  Today I saw some nice Moguls,
a nice  Stickney, some very nice IH engines (Famous, 2 Titan Sideshafts,
etc) and  some other neat stuff.  It's a big show, has a lot of flea
market  areas and has some other interests the family enjoys.  This is
the  only show the wife and kids are able to attend with me.  The  wife
likes the country music shows they have and my kids like the train  and
other attractions.  Some criticize Denton as it is a "Commercial"  show.
While it has the name Southeastern Old Thrashers Reunion, its owned  by a
gent named Brown Lauflin.  I know what it is when I'm hooking to  the
trailer to come here so it doesn't bother me.  Exhibitors get in  free
but for the general public its $14 each.  They probably have  50,000 or
more come through during the show.

Tommy  Turner
Magnolia, KY

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