[SEL] Tod Engine Beer & Rusty Brew
Rick Rowlands
rowlands1941 at roadrunner.com
Sat Jan 30 12:55:19 PST 2010
I've never met the proprietor of Rust Belt Brewing, but we have emailed once
and when spring comes I hope to show him the engine.
I certainly would like to see them make a "Tod Engine Beer".That would be so
cool, although I do not partake of the alcohol based beverages.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnie Fero" <fero_ah at city-net.com>
To: <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>; <slick at toltbbs.com>;
<sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:24 AM
Subject: [SEL] Tod Engine Beer & Rusty Brew
> Hi Folks,
> Wanna join a movement? I read this really interesting article about a
> microbrewery
> in Youngstown, Ohio located within spitting distance of the Tod Engine.
> http://www.todengine.org/
> It's the Rust Belt Brewing Company. http://www.rustybrew.com/
> http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10028/1031442-389.stm
> The first thought that came to mind was that the Tod Engine would make for
> an
> awesome label for one of their brews (a steam beer perhaps?).
> The second thought that came to mind was that Rusty Brew could become the
> signature
> beer for the stationary engine fans!
> So, check 'em out, drop 'em a line at rustybrew at gmail.com, or join 'em on
> FaceBook.
> I'd really like to see that Tod Engine beer!!
> See ya, Arnie
> PS - If you're in the neighborhood of the Tod Engine, check out the
> establishment
> that's been voted No. 2 best beer retailer in the world.
> http://www.vintage-estate.com
> Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10028/1031444-389.stm
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