Arnie Fero
fero_ah at city-net.com
Sat Feb 13 13:54:43 PST 2010
NEAT!! Frank, how long has it been since you were last at Coolspring or Portland?
See ya, Arnie
On Fri, February 12, 2010 9:30 pm, Frank DeWitt LBP wrote:
> It is a old dental office air compressor. Open crank, flat leather
> belt, (I had a new one made by the shoe repair shop. It is fun to
> watch. It is driven by a electric motor so it gives the generator
> something to do. When it calls for more air, the motor switches on
> and the generator engine starts.
> I am working on a 1/4 hp steam engine kit. (I should have it running
> this summer.) Once that is complete I need to build up a alternator
> using the parts from a old Honda motorcycle (They look like a
> miniature open frame antique alternator,
> Then the Kohler engine will run the generator that will run the motor
> that will compress the air that will run the steam engine that will
> run the alternator that will light the light bulb. It sounds odd,
> but think of the carbon foot print that incandescent light bulb will have.
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