[SEL] My first Youtube Video

Alan rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 12 15:54:09 PST 2010

After I made that video I did some google patent searching and I found this sheller wasn't made very long.
What happened is there were three different companies in York, Pennsylvania making simular shellers.
None of them used the roller bearings that mine has and they were all geared much the same but they were all different than mine.
By 1892 they were making shellers that still had the roller bearings but they were geared like the York ones and it apears like after that date they were all using parts from one company.
The one that was set up next to mine was one of those York ones. 
It was a Hench & Dromgold. Patent number 239552
With no corn in them we flipped the belts off and mine took twice as long to coast down to a stop.
One of the Mountville numbers is 472181.

--- On Sun, 12/12/10, Ken Christison <christison at coastalnet.com> wrote:

From: Ken Christison <christison at coastalnet.com>
Subject: Re: [SEL] My first Youtube Video
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010, 5:52 PM

Great video, Alan!  It is always fun to see the young folks
involved in the hobby.  Thanks for sharing.

Do you have any other patent info for Mountville Mfg. Co.?
My two hole sheller is obviously a later model, having a
rounded cast piece with the name at the back end instead
of the angular wood that is on the Hero.  It also has a double
geared drive mechanism on the hand crank side which is on
the opposite side as your sheller.

I have searched for this info several times and can't seem to
find this model.


On 12/12/2010 10:55 AM, Alan wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> It isn't very good but it is engine related.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhOhYUL8HbA
> Alan in Michigan
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