[SEL] Portland 2010

Tim Christoff tchristoff at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 23 08:32:16 PDT 2010

I don't think my pittiful engines will fullfill your needs Mike, the New Way was running to fast yesterday on a test run and the Bessemier just would get down under 58 RPM.  I would not feel right allowing you to sucker me out of these bad running engines.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Royster <mr at carolina.rr.com>
>Sent: Aug 22, 2010 10:40 AM
>To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Portland 2010
>   Thanks to your connections to the seedy underworld of the Kentuckian 
>"Boss Hawg", I am forewarned and prepared.  That's why I am bringing Miles 
>this year.  Who knows what his real occupation is but he goes by Miles "the 
>Hammer" Hamrick.  Looking forward to seeing you and all my future treasures 
>you and Tommy have assembled for me!
>Mike (the only good and saintly) Royster
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Tim Christoff" <tchristoff at earthlink.net>
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 10:13 AM
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Portland 2010
>> Mike, this is off list for your protection, I intercepted an email this 
>> morning from a person who only goes by the name "INK".  After some digging 
>> I found out that this means "Incarcerated -n- Kentucky".  I think he is 
>> mad at some Judge in those parts.  Anyway, the message is as follows:
>> "To anyone who get this and knows Mike Royster please give him this 
>> message - I overheard a conversation 2 days ago in the back room near my 
>> cell.  Somebody named Boss Tommy is planning on taking some poor oil 
>> barren sap to the cleaners and they mentioned the name of Mike R.  There 
>> was some talk about Steve the Builder brewing up a batch of elixer in a 
>> galvanized still and that Boss Tommy had made a little trip to NC to pick 
>> up the stuff.  He is planning on mixing it with some Pepsi when Mike R is 
>> not looking or off trying to nail his next victim.  I suspect that Steve 
>> the Builder  and Boss Tommy are planning on retriving something called an 
>> antique engine or something like that, then selling it and splitting the 
>> profits.  There was talk of a 3rd party somewhere in a place called PA, 
>> they called him Mr Novo but I have no idea what that means.  If anyone 
>> picks this up please let MR know that his life is in danger!
>> INK."
>> So Mike I guess you had better spend all your time at your display keeping 
>> an eye on Tommy Turner (AKA - Boss Tommy) instead of coming by my display. 
>> Your life is not worth whats on my trailer.
>> Tim Christoff.
>> PS - I don't believe a word of you trying to nail your next victim, your 
>> an honest person!  It now is coming to light that the true evil brother is 
>> Steve.
>> Tommy,  I would keep a close eye on your cooler if I were you. I won't be 
>> able to make Portland this year so  someone will have to keep the Evil 
>> Brother under control. Just make sure those Pepsi's haven't been tampered 
>> with before you take a swig. I  noticed some elixir missing the other day 
>> and I fear it may have fallen into dangerous hands! Be careful and bring 
>> reject engines only, Ya never know what you'll go home without! 
>> Steve. The good Brother!
>>> Mike, Roysters are allowed anywhere they want to set up. You and that
>>> brother of yours have cleaned me out on more than one occasion... you
>>> might as well set up close by so you can take a load back to NC!
>>> Tommy Turner
>>> Magnolia, KY
>> Tim Christoff
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Tim Christoff

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