[SEL] Non-detergent Oil--The Rest Of The Story

Bruce Younger sluggo54 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 11 10:21:58 PDT 2010

"Have you tested the 15-40 syn against 10-40 detergent? At what speed  
did you test the difference? Over a period of how many years?
PS, I ask the above because I need to know if it will make a  
difference given the number of years I have left."

Bought a new water heater.  Guy asked if I wanted six year, nine year, 
or 12 year warranty.  Hell, it doesn't matter.  They're all a lifetime 
warranty to me.
 Bruce Younger   

05G HHC 313 RR Bn 3/67-4/68   

Madison, SD  

sluggo54 at hotmail.com   

"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man and those that have hunted   
armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter."   

E. Hemingway


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