[SEL] Why Old Iron Should be Brought to KY - Actually Ohio

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Fri Apr 2 11:43:07 PDT 2010

Works for me!!

At 02:21 PM 4/2/2010, you wrote:
>         You've somewhat convinced me.  Everyone, ship the Maytags to OH,
>the rest to KY.

>Tommy Turner
>Magnolia, KY
>>Now Now, everyone knows NW Ohio has the Lime stone foundation to 
>>support it all. And pretty level in most places too so there will a 
>>reduced need for cribbing so we will not have to cut down so many 
>>trees for support of the base. Also we have newly discovered gas 
>>and oil for fuel and lubrication so the transportation cost and 
>>carbon foot print of transporting the fuel to the end user is 
>>reduced as well.   No Volcanoes like out west. We are geologically 
>>stable, and well above sea level for when global climate change 
>>totally melts the ice. After all of the slides and sides get here 
>>we will take the pushers and two cycles too.   Maytags first in the 
>>2 cycles.   Mark
>>PS: Gods it gave me hives using lib arguing points. But we must 
>>sacrifice for the Iron. My cross to bear.

Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817

Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206  Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
VISIT the Maytag Collectors Club at  www.Maytagclub.com  

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