[SEL] USA Holiday

Russell Gilbert russell at ncable.com.au
Sat Sep 12 15:41:51 PDT 2009

G'day Steve, mate it was more to do with the shutting down in the 
meazly little bit of rain we had :-)  Unlike the mighty tuff Austral 
which just kept on chugging along; rain or shine.  Glad to hear you 
got the tarps cleaned up after the Stover spat on them (that was 
actually pretty funny)

Reg thanks for adding us to the club, It want be our only Portland trip.
George I look forward to attending a hell on wheels trip some time. 
Next year will be a little to tuff how ever.

At 10:42 AM 12/09/2009, you wrote:

>Hi Russel and Carmel, We enjoyed it all too, even if you did call my 
>engines girlie engines! Hey man , white tarps are the new thing. Get 
>some while you still can! Glad we got to enjoy Portland with you, Steve

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